24 August, 2005

Blogger For Word

The Learning Technology Development team might be interested to learn that you can now update Cakes from within Word.

The Blogger For Word add-in is available on our G:Drive under Software, and gives you an extra toolbar in Word to create and update Blogs. If you are most comfortable working in Word, this allows a more integrated blogging experience!

If you don't have access to the LTD G:Drive you can download it yourself.

22 August, 2005

BBC Video Archive

The BBC are currently running a pilot project where about 100 video clips are released to the public for non-commercial use.

Some might be useful as stock footage for any videos we make. See: http://www.bbc.co.uk/calc/radio1/content.shtml

The pilot will finish in summer 2006. If all the BBC's stakeholders buy into the idea, it may grow to be a much larger, and useful collection - perhaps even including entire TV programmes for download.

11 August, 2005

ELLG Podcasts

Look on the ELLG web site for Podcasts featuring interviews with the more influential people in the field of elearning.

Check out:


The first one is with George Siemens who has some interesting ideas relating to the uptakes of technologies. to listen to it you can copy the next line into the address bar of your web browser.


He points out that at first, people will use the new tool to do exactly what they had done before... and as their understanding of the technology increases, they see new uses for it.

I guess that is how we in LTD see the academics staff's use of WebCT developing. It is to be expected that initial use is simple (perhaps putting documents online) and as the academic staff's knowledge of the medium develops (hopefully partly due to LTD's experience and expert advice) the technology will perhaps see more of its potential used.

05 August, 2005

Google Video

Google continue with their mission to organise all the worlds information with Google Video.

Currently a Beta release, it searches through the text descriptions and closed captioning of videos in googles archives for words or terms that you search for.

Some are viewable (although you need to install Google's free viewing software), and with other videos you can just read the captions/subtitles. You can even apply for videos that you have created to be added.

Theres aren't huge numbers of videos on there yet, but as it grows Google Video may prove to be an interesting way to search for more obscure items.

04 August, 2005

National Maritime Museum: Elearning Materials

The National Maritime Museum has developed an interesting and engaging elearning resource, based around learning from Horatio Nelsons leadership style.

It makes good use of the medium, incorporating video and Flash, and has the facility to store and record the important things that you have learned.

Have a quick visit!