09 January, 2009

Choosing a VLE - or Something Else?

Tony Karrer has written an interesting post on his eLearning Technology blog about the time it takes to select and implement a Learning Managment System. Not quite the same as a VLE but close enough for this post.

This is relevant because at Edge Hill we're looking at what we're going to do in the future. Our contract with Blackboard is for another 18 months at least, but to prevent ourselves remaining tied in to a system, we need to get to a place where we can answer questions such as:

  • What systems are available, and possibly customisable, that would help us improve teaching and learning?
  • Are the systems flexible enough to deal with a quickly changing Web? This is something that VLEs have struggled to do in the past.
  • Is anything flexible enought to keep happy all stakeholders with their, often specific but always changing requirements?
  • What amount of work would be involved in implementation, maintainance, migration, staff development, student training and support?

In his post, Tony mentions data from the eLearningGuild that suggests the process takes 23 months from start to finish, but notes that some things can reduce the time taken, and that the selection part can take under 2 months in some cases. At Edge Hill we've not experienced this process, having only upgraded from WebCT/Bb CE4 to CE6 in the past. In that case, upgrading was the only realistic option with the resources available, but if research is done and decisions are made in enough time, it widens the possiblities.

There's a lot of talk about moving away from VLEs, and I'm interested in the idea of educating students to develop and maintain their own personal learning environments which will live on beyond their formal education. However it seems to me that there is still a place for the VLE. While a personal learning environment (including VLEs and ePortfolios) is a place for the student to learn and be in control, there still needs to be a place for the teacher to teach.

Also I've still not heard anyone give a realistic suggestion as to how, other than a VLE type system, we could enable staff to use a variety of online tools that all the students can easily access, without administration and student support requirements growing massively.

However, perhaps the actual technology chosen is not the only issue? In Mark Stiles' article Death of the VLE?: A Challenge to a New Orthodoxy from a couple of years ago, he notes that "rather than resulting in innovation, the use of VLEs has become fixed in an orthodoxy based on traditional educational approaches". I've heard more than one educator say that VLEs and other online technologies were of benefit to them because they made them challenge and rethink their teaching methods, and so understand them better. Perhaps it's the process of change itself, alongside guidance around good practice, that will help us better understand and practice teaching and learning?

1 comment:

Ray Tolley said...

Why is it that Universities seem incapable of thinking beyond Blackboard? Last year I identified some 35+ VLEs available to the education sector including several appropriate for HE. see: www.maximise-ict.co.uk/List of VLEs.pdf

It is well known that many teachers/ lecturers/ professors get set in their ways and deliver the same course of instruction in the same old way. A typical example of their refusal to adapt to modern technologies is the way so many of them use an Interactive WhiteBoard just as badly as they used to use an OHP. This is exactly the same with VLEs. Along with the introduction of any new technology must be the accompanying explanations of how the technology enhances teaching and learning and the requisite training MUST be delivered.

Many schools and colleges may have new VLEs, with all the benefits of on-line paperless document systems, with the potential for sophisticated formative and sumative assessment tools. (In fact Becta has mandated that ALL schools should have a VLE by Spring of 2008!) Unfortunately it would appear that in HE to many staff fail to get into these liberating technologies and still expect printouts of assignments and deliver their feedback once the topic has run cold.

Do not be beguiled by the few loud-mouthed egos who are capable of designing their own 'clouds in the sky'. This sort of exclusivity can only replicate traditional instruction and distract from the increasing excellence seen in some schools and colleges.

A VLE, ie a Learning Platform with 'hard-wired' links to the MIS and also having remote access is the logical way that any form of assessment system can be securely run. Oh, and BTW this system is owned by the institution.

However, the e-Portfolio, often abused as a content delivery system, is NOT owned by the college but must be owned by the individual. This therefore raises questions about longevity, ie where should the e-Portfolio be hosted? My argument is that although possibly having strong links with the school or college, it requires support and development beyond what any budding ICT 'expert' can or should deliver, provided externally to the college's technician support.

Mark Styles' statements reflect observations that many of us have made before, but that does not make the technology wrong, simply that myopic individuals have refused to recognise the power, economies and efficiencies of the VLE. Perhaps many senior individuals in academia should have their understanding of modern educational psychology tested?

Best Wishes, Ray T